Self portrait- These are my first attempts at pouring liquid silver gelatine emulsion (Foma from Silverprint) onto a glass plate to make my own glass negatives. Some practice still needed – but some areas show very good detail and tones.
2 second exposure F45. Developed in standard Ilford chemistry at recommended dilutions. Photographed and inverted in Photoshop. Camera is a Lancaster Instantograph c1900.

#lancaster #antiquelens #foma #glassplatenegative #studiothreegaller #largeformat #StudiothreeGallery #brass #papernegative #blackandwhite #diydeveloping #vintagecamera #darkroomprint #SelfportraitThisismyfirstattemptatpouringliquidsilvergelatineemulsionFomaontoaglassplatetomakemyownglassnegativesSomepracticestillneededbutsomeareasshowverygood #Instantograph #largeformatcamerasanaloguephotography #liquidemulsion